
Basic information

From 21:30 or 23:30 on Saturdays and the day before a public holiday

until 21:45 on Sundays and public holidays.


Heavy goods vehicles of over 7.5t maximum permissible weight (MPW), with or without a trailer.

Applies to roads

Throughout the road and motorway network.

Detailed information


Belgium/Germany to France

From 21:30 on Saturdays and the day before a public holiday

To 21:45 on Sundays and public holidays

Belgium/France to Germany

From 23:30 on Saturdays and the day before a public holiday

To 21:45 on Sundays and public holidays


The above-mentioned Ministerial authorisation must be shown on demand to officers responsible for controlling road traffic.


Vehicles concerned: heavy goods vehicles whose MPW exceeds 3.5t, with the exception of vehicles belonging to residents and delivery vehicles

Permanent Restriction


access to the following road sections is forbidden in both directions:

access to the following road sections is forbidden in the direction indicated:

Note: this prohibition is signposted

Vehicles concerned: heavy goods vehicles in transit whose MPW, with or without a trailer, exceeds 3.5t, with the exception of those which enter Luxembourg by a route situated to the north of the Steinfort-Rosenberg border crossing on the N6 and the Echternach-Echternacherbrück border crossing on the N11.

The regulation applies, however, to vehicles in transit heading for France which enter Luxemburg by the N5, vehicles arriving from Germany, France or Belgium and which are heading for the European developing areas, and vehicles crossing Luxembourg from Rheinland-Palatinate in the direction of Saarland and the opposite direction.

Permanent restriction.


Transit traffic is forbidden on the public road network; compulsory routes are indicated by signposts bearing the figure 3.5t on the silhouette of the vehicle, as well as the indication of the direction “Transit Belgium”, “Transit France”, “Transit Germany” or “Transit Germany/France”.

Infringement of these rules will be punished in compliance with the provisions of the amended Art.7 of the law of 14 February 1955 relating to traffic regulations on all public roads.


Although it is a public holiday, there are no driving restrictions on 23 June

Good to know

In Luxembourg the transit of heavy goods vehicles of over 7.5t MPW heading for neighbouring countries (France, Germany, Belgium) is forbidden if in these countries a traffic restriction because of a public holiday is in force.

At entering Luxemburg drivers usually do not come across any obstacles, but inside the country the Police patrols punish such entrance with fines to the amount of several hundred Euro.

Maximum blood-alcohol content – 5‰


Assistance breakdown service - provided by the Luxembourg Automobileclub (ACL) +352 26 000, available 24h.

the police - 113

emergency - 112