Heavy goods vehicles and combination of vehicles of over 7.5t maximum
permissible weight (MPW)
Detailed information
Corpus Cristi 2020
On June 11, 2020, from 00.00 to 22.00 on the A22 motorway between
Vipiteno and Brennero, vehicles over 7.5 tonnes will be banned. Cars
located on this section are forced to go to the nearest parking lot.
Article 1
(Object and scope)
This decree pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1 of decree no. 285 of
30 April 1992 of the new Highway Code (hereafter STVO), regulates
the driving bans for heavy goods vehicles with a maximum authorized
mass exceeding 7.5 tonnes on trunk roads on holidays and other days
of the year 2020 particularly critical for road traffic, as
indicated in article 2.
The calendar of driving bans mentioned in Article 2 applies to heavy
goods vehicles in line with Art. 54 of the HC., and to agricultural
machinery mentioned in Art. 57 of the HC.
The calendar of driving bans mentioned in Article 2 also applies to
special vehicles in exceptional conditions, even if they are not
used for the transportation of goods and even if they have received
permission referred to in paragraph 6 of Article 10 of the HC.
The postponements referred to in Articles 3, 4 5 and 13 apply on
condition that the arrival from abroad or in the port occurs on the
day of the prohibition.
The concessions referred to in Articles 3, 4, 5 and 6, as well as
the exemptions referred to in Articles 7 and
also apply to special vehicles and deliveries in exceptional
conditions, except for other provisions that may be imposed in the
permissions issued according to Article 10, paragraph 6, of the HC.
The calendar of driving bans mentioned in Article 2 also applies to
tractor units traveling without a trailer, for which the reference
mass is the tare weight or the net weight less the maximum king pin
weight rating.
This decree, along with the conditions referred to in Article 12,
governs the transportation of dangerous goods even for mass limits
lower than the 7.5-tonne threshold referred to in paragraph 1.
Article 3
(Derogations for vehicles coming from / going abroad)
For vehicles from abroad that carry suitable documentation
certifying the origin of the journey and the destination, the
starting time of the driving ban referred to in Article 2 is
postponed by four hours.
For vehicles coming from abroad with a single driver, if the daily
rest period, as required by Regulation (EC) no. 561/2006 of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2006 and
subsequent amendments, ends after the beginning of the driving ban
referred to in Article 2, the postponement referred to in paragraph
1 starts from the end of the rest period.
For vehicles going abroad, carrying suitable documentation
certifying the destination of the cargo, the end of the driving ban
referred to in Article 2 is brought forward by two hours.
Vehicles coming from or heading for the Republic of San Marino and
the Vatican City are treated like vehicles travelling within the
national territory of Italy.
Article 4
(Derogations for vehicles coming from / going to Sardinia)
For vehicles coming from Sardinia and carrying suitable
documentation certifying the origin of the journey and destination
of the cargo, the start of the driving bans referred to in Article 2
is postponed by four hours.
For vehicles going to Sardinia and carrying suitable documentation
certifying the destination of the journey, the end of the driving
bans referred to in Article 2 is brought forward by four hours.
For vehicles circulating in Sardinia and coming from the remaining
part of the national territory, provided they carry suitable
documentation certifying the origin of the journey, the start of the
ban is postponed by four hours.
For vehicles circulating in Sardinia, going to the ports of the
island in order to embark on ferries bound for destinations in the
remaining part of the national territory, provided they carry
suitable documentation certifying the destination of the journey and
a letter of reservation or the boarding pass, the driving ban
referred to in article 2 does not apply.
Article 5
(Derogations for vehicles coming from / going to Sicily)
For vehicles travelling in Sicily, coming from the remaining part of
the national territory that make use of ferries, with the exception
of those coming from Calabria through the ports of Reggio Calabria
and Villa San Giovanni, provided they carry suitable documentation
certifying the origin of the journey, the start of the ban referred
to in Article 2 is postponed by four hours.
For vehicles travelling in Sicily, heading for the remaining part of
the national territory that make use of ferries, with the exception
of those heading for Calabria through the ports of Reggio Calabria
and Villa San Giovanni, provided carry suitable documentation
certifying the destination of the journey and a letter of
reservation or a boarding pass, the driving ban referred to in
article 2 does not apply.
Except as required by paragraphs 1 and 2, in view of the
difficulties associated with ferry operations to and from Calabria
through the ports of Reggio Calabria and Villa San Giovanni, for
vehicles coming from or going to Sicily, provided they carry
suitable documentation certifying the origin and destination of the
journey, the start of the ban is postponed by two hours and its end
is brought forward by two hours.
Article 6
(Derogations for intermodal transport)
For vehicles heading for interports of national importance, as
defined by law no. 240 (Bari - Bologna - Catania - Cervignano (UD) -
Jesi (AN) - Livorno - Marcianise (CE) - Nola (NA) - Novara - Orte
(VT) - Padua - Parma - Pescara - Prato - Rivalta Scrivia (AL) -
Turin - Vado Ligure (SV) - Venice - Verona) and strategically
located intermodal terminals (Busto Arsizio (VA) Domodossola (VB) -
Marzaglia (MO) - Melzo (MJ) - Milan sorting - Mortara (PV) -
Portogruaro (VE) - Rovigo - Rubiera (RE) - Trento - Trieste - Voltri
(GE)) that transport goods or cargo units going abroad provided they
carry suitable documentation certifying the foreign destination of
the goods or cargo units and the documentation certifying the
continuation of the journey by rail, the end of the ban referred to
in Article 2 is brought forward by four hours.
The ban referred to in Article 2 does not apply to vehicles used in
intermodal road-sea transport, heading for ports to use sea routes
referred to in Article 1 of the decree of the Minister of Transport
of 31 January 2007, and subsequent amendments and additions,
provided they carry suitable documentation certifying the
destination of the journey and a reservation or a boarding pass.
The ban referred to in Article 2 does not apply to vehicles heading
for or coming from national and international airports that
transport goods intended for air transport, provided they carry
suitable documentation certifying the loading or unloading of the
aforementioned goods.
The earlier end of the ban referred to in paragraph 1 also applies
in the case of vehicles transporting empty loading units
(containers, swap bodies, semi-trailers), as well as unloaded
vehicle combinations heading abroad through the same interports,
ports and airports, provided they carry appropriate documentation
(shipping order) certifying the destination of the loading units.
Tractor units without semi-trailers, with a weight - as defined in
Article 1, paragraph 5 – of over 7.5 t, can travel on days of the
ban only if they have previously been uncoupled from the
semi-trailer at the place of reloading to continuation the transport
of the goods using the intermodal system, provided they carry
suitable documentation certifying the reloading, and for the return
journey only.
The ban referred to in Article 2 does not apply to vehicles used in
combined road-rail (combined rail) or road-sea (combined maritime)
transport that fall within the definition and application scope of
article 1 of the decree of the Minister of Transport and Navigation
of 15 February 2001, provided they carry suitable documentation
certifying the destination or origin of the cargo and a reservation
or a boarding pass. The initial or terminal part of the road journey
and permitted by virtue of this paragraph may in no case exceed the
straight line distance of 150 km from the port or railway station of
embarkation or disembarkation.
Article 7
(Categories of vehicles exempted from the ban)
The ban referred to in Article 2 does not apply to vehicles
belonging to the following entities:
- Police force
- Armed Forces
- Fire Brigade
- Civil Protection
- Italian Red Cross
Regions and other territorial entities, also in associated form
The ban referred to in Article 2 also does not apply to vehicles
used for the following public services, even when running empty:
- supply of water, gas, electricity
garbage collection and waste collection, excluding transport
services from the collection centre to the disposal centre if these
deliveries are carried out using vehicles of municipal
administration marked as "Garbage collection service", as well as
those performed on behalf of municipal administration, provided they
are have obtained appropriate documentation issued by the municipal
- urgent drainage of sewers and cesspools
postal services carried out using vehicles of the Department of
Communications of the Ministry of Economic Development or to Italian
Post Office, provided they are marked with the PT emblem or with the
Poste Italiane emblem, or supporting services as long as they have
obtained appropriate documentation from the administration of the
post office and telecommunications, including foreign ones, and are
in possession of licenses and authorizations issued by the same
Department, in accordance with legislative decree no. 261 and
subsequent amendments only if, on the days when the ban is in
effect, they perform transports related exclusively to postal
- radio and television services
emergency and emergency services connected to road traffic
management, used by road owners and / or road operators
other public services aimed at satisfying urgent collective needs,
provided have suitable documentation to prove the need.
The ban referred to in Article 2 also does not apply to vehicles
and vehicle combinations belonging to the following particular
categories, even if running empty:
- tanker trucks used for transporting water for domestic use
- tanker trucks used for transporting fresh milk
tanker trucks used for transporting other beverages, exclusively for
transporting fresh milk
- tanker trucks used for transporting feeds for farm animals
tanker trucks used for transporting liquid or gaseous fuels, for
public and private distribution and consumption
agricultural machinery according to Article 57 of the HC, and
special agricultural machinery according to Article 104 of the HC,
without prejudice to the requirement of obtaining a permission
referred to in paragraph 8 of the same article 104, as well as the
driving ban, according to article 175, paragraph 2 of the HC, on
roads classified as type A and B according article 2 of the HC.
The ban referred to in Article 2 does not apply in the following
vehicles booked to comply with the obligatory technical inspection,
limited to weekdays, provided that they carry a booking confirmation
and only for the shortest route between the headquarters of the
company where the vehicle is registered and the place where the
inspection is to be carried, excluding any motorway sections
for vehicles returning to the headquarters or the secondary facility
of the company where they are registered (a valid certificate of
registration with the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts
should be presented), provided that these vehicles are not more than
50 km away from these locations at the time when the ban starts and
do not use motorway sections.
The vehicles referred to in items a) b) c) and d) of paragraph 3
must be equipped with green plates measuring 0.50 m at the base and
0.40 m in height and inscribed with a lowercase d of 0.20 m in
height, fixed in a visible place on each side and on the back of the
Article 8
(Types of goods whose transport is not subject to the ban)
The ban referred to in Article 2 does not apply to vehicles used
only for transporting the following types of goods, even if running
food supplies for in-flight meals or deliveries of engines and spare
parts for aircraft
supplies of food or goods needed to provide other services necessary
for commercial navy operations
- newspapers, magazines and periodicals
- products for medical use
perishable food products to be transported in accordance with ATP
agricultural products that do not require transport under ATP rules,
but deteriorate rapidly:
• fresh fruit
• vegetables
• cut flowers
• viable, ungerminated seeds
• hatching eggs, with specific certification in the CMR document
- by-products of the slaughter of animals
The ban referred to in Article 2 does not apply to vehicles used
for transporting live animals under the following conditions even if
running empty, provided they carry suitable documentation certifying
the need to be loaded or unloaded even when the ban is in effect:
- chicks intended for breeding
- live animals intended for slaughter
- live animals from abroad
animals to be used in authorized competitive events scheduled to be
held within forty-eight hours
Vehicles carrying goods referred to in paragraph 1, items e) f) and
g), as well as goods referred to in paragraph 2, items a), b) and c)
must be equipped with green plates measuring 0.50 m in width and
0.40 m in height and inscribed with a lowercase d of 0.20 m in
height, fixed in a visible place on each side and on the back of the
Article 9
(Conditions under which a derogation from the ban may be granted)
For reasons of absolute urgency and legitimate necessity, without
prejudice to the provisions of articles 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 and to
in addition to the exceptions they contain, the Prefectures,
following requests filed according to article 10 and according to
procedures specified in article 11, may grant derogations to the ban
referred to in article 2 only in the following cases:
transport of agricultural products other than those referred to in
Article 8, in order to avoid their deterioration, provided that
these needs are related to particular situations duly documented,
temporally and spatially limited and quantitatively defined
transport of animal feed using vehicles other than those referred to
in Article 7 paragraph 3, item d), in order to ensure their
continuous supply, provided that these needs refer to particular
situations duly documented, temporally and spatially limited and
quantitatively defined
transport of materials and equipment directly to or from
construction sites for the execution of works of national interest,
intended for specific activities and processes that, due to their
particular characteristics or technologies used, require continuous
supply or disposal of the aforementioned materials and equipment
transport of industrial products in a continuous cycle if the
production systems and the organization of the distribution chain
require the immediate transfer of these products
the movement of vehicles used for live performances, of fairs and
markets, provided that appropriate documentation is presented that
certifies the need to travel when the ban is in effect
movement of vehicles used for the organisation of fairs, provided
that appropriate documentation is presented that certifies the need
to travel when the ban is in effect
movement of special vehicles or transport under exceptional
conditions referred to in Article 10 of the HC, limited to specific
permits for single journeys, which cannot be scheduled outside the
period of the ban, or cannot be interrupted
movement of foreign vehicles only to reach areas equipped with
carparks or autoports, located near the border
other isolated cases of legitimate and absolute necessity and
urgency where goods need to be transported to meet specific and
identified needs.
Vehicles allowed to travel by way of derogation must be equipped
with green plates measuring 0.50 m in width and 0.40 m in height and
inscribed with a lowercase d of 0.20 m in height, fixed in a visible
place on each side and on the back of the vehicle.
Article 10
(Procedures for requesting a derogation)
If the conditions referred to in Article 9 are met, the interested
parties may submit, at least ten days before the scheduled departure
date, a request for a permit to travel by virtue of derogation from
the ban referred to in Article 2, normally with the Prefecture of
the province of departure, indicating the following elements:
the intended day or period of travel, which must be limited to
actual needs, or in particular:
• for agricultural products, referred to in Article 9, c. 1 item a),
the period for the specific harvesting campaign.
• for goods to be used as feed for farm animals, referred to in
Article 9 c. 1 item b), the period necessary to resolve the urgency
of the supply.
• for construction sites, referred to in Article 9 c. 1 letter c),
the start and end dates set for the construction site.
• for industrial products in a continuous cycle, referred to in
Article 9 c. 1 item d), the period in which this production is to be
conducted continuously.
• for vehicles to be used for fairs and markets, referred to in
Article 9, c. 1 item e) the program of events to be attended.
• for vehicles to be used for live performances and sporting events,
referred to in Article 9 c. 1, item f), the program of events to be
• for special vehicles and transports under exceptional conditions,
mentioned in article 9, c. 1, item g), the precise date on which the
transport is scheduled.
• for foreign vehicles referred to in article 9, c. 1 item h), the
precise date on which the transport is scheduled.
• for vehicles used to transport goods in special cases referred to
in Article 9, c. 1 item i), the precise date on which the transport
is scheduled.
the license plate of the vehicle or vehicles if necessary for the
same transport for which the permit is requested
the points of departure and arrival, including the scheduled routes,
which must be specified and in each case strictly limited
the type of goods, products or equipment, out of those mentioned in
Article 9, paragraph 1, items a) through i) specifying the reasons
for the derogation.
Alternatively, the request can be submitted to the Prefecture where
the company performing the transport is based.
For vehicles coming from abroad, the request can be submitted to
the Prefecture of a border province, where the journey in Italy
begins, also by the customer or recipient of the goods or by a
service agency delegated for this purpose by the interested parties;
in such cases, to grant a permit, the Prefecture must take into
account, in addition to documented reasons for the urgency of
transport, the impossibility of turning back, also the distance from
the destination, the type of route and the state of services at the
Article 11
(Procedures for issuing prefectural permits)
The Prefecture that received a permit request to travel by virtue
of derogation from the ban referred to in Article 2, having heard,
where necessary, from other Prefectures in charge of the territory
involving a specific transport, having assessed the needs and
urgency related to the local and general conditions of circulation,
reviews the request on the basis of the following criteria:
verified existence of the actual need for circulation by virtue of
derogation from the bans and conditions mentioned in article 9,
according to the characteristics of places, the general context and
weather conditions
the existence of particularly critical conditions resulting from the
specific geographical location of Sardinia and Sicily, and in
particular, the time required for ferry operations
verified inability to perform the transport in the days not affected
by the ban
verified absence of obstacles on the part of third parties,
particularly road owners and / or managers
verified compatibility of the transport to be performed by virtue of
derogation with the parameters of the road infrastructure involved
and with anticipated traffic conditions.
If the request is submitted to the Prefecture in whose territory
the company performing the transport is based, it is necessary to
first obtain consent from the Prefecture in whose territory the
journey starts.
At the end of the review procedure described in paragraph 1 and if
the conditions for the derogation exist, the Prefecture decides to
grant a permit, which, in addition to detailed reasons, specifies
the following:
the period of when the permit is valid, which must be strictly
limited to the actual transport needs and may include exceptions to
dates when the ban is in effect
the license plate of the vehicle or the plates of vehicles
authorized to travel
the points of departure and arrival, as well as routes identified in
order to ensure the best conditions of traffic safety based on the
characteristics of the road network and traffic conditions, or
possibly specifying roads or areas driving is not permitted by
virtue of derogation
the type of goods, products or equipment which can be transported by
virtue of derogation
any specifications which enable vehicles to run empty, only if this
circumstance occurs within a working cycle that includes the
transport phase and that must be repeated during the same working
the requirement that vehicles permitted to travel by virtue of
derogation must be equipped with green plates measuring 0.50 m in
width and 0.40 m in height and inscribed with a lowercase d of 0.20
m in height, fixed in a visible place on each side and on the back
of the vehicle.
With regard to permits referred to in Article 9, paragraph 1, item
d), if there is documented continuous need for the same person to
perform more trips by virtue of derogation involving the same
products, the faculty of the Prefecture has the right to renew, even
more than once, and in any case, no later than the end of the
calendar year, the permit granted at the request submitted of the
interested party.
The Prefectures in whose territory border checkpoints are located
may allow, even permanently, the circulation of vehicles referred to
in Article 9 paragraph 1, items h) when the ban is in effect.
Article 12
(Transportation of dangerous goods in periods of the driving ban)
The transport of dangerous goods belonging to classes 1 and 7,
identified in the international agreement for the transport of
dangerous goods (ADR), is prohibited for any quantity of goods
transported, regardless of the maximum authorised mass of the
vehicle, in addition to days listed in Article 2, also from 8.00 am
to 12.00 pm on every Saturday and from 0.00 to 12.00 pm on every
Sunday in the period from 23 May to 6 September 2020.
Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, the transport of
dangerous goods is permitted in the following cases:
transport of explosives, for proven service needs, without prejudice
to the requirement of prior notification of the Prefecture of the
territory where the journey starts or where the point of entry into
Italy is located, with respect to vehicles and vehicle combinations
listed below, even if running empty:
• Armed Forces and police.
• military personnel of foreign Armed Forces and commissioned
civilians, involved in exercise operations or military assistance on
the basis of international agreements, provided that they have a
special authorisation issued by the competent military command.
• civilians commissioned by the Armed Forces, with appropriate
documents referred to in the ministerial decree of 2 September 1977
combined with the ministerial decree of 24 May 1978, issued by the
competent military command.
transport, by virtue of a prefectural authorization issued under the
conditions of set out articles 10 and 11, of fireworks falling in
categories IV and V, listed in Annex A to the regulation for the
execution of the public security law of 18 June 1931 n. 773 of the,
approved by virtue of the royal decree of 6 May 1940, n. 635,
provided that the transport is performed in compliance with all
applicable regulations, along routes and in required periods, after
checking compliance with traffic safety requirements.
transport, by virtue of a prefectural authorization issued under the
conditions set out in articles 10 and 11, of dangerous goods
belonging to class 1, limited to construction sites of national
importance, provided that the transport is performed in compliance
with all applicable regulations, along routes and in the required
periods, after checking compliance with traffic safety requirements
transport, by virtue of a prefectural authorization issued under the
conditions set out in articles 10 and 11, of dangerous goods
belonging to class 7, limited to urgent needs in the health sector,
provided that the transport is performed in compliance with all
applicable regulations, along routes and in the required periods,
after checking compliance with traffic safety requirements.
By way of derogation from the provisions of paragraph 1, the
transport of dangerous goods using vehicles with a maximum
authorized mass not exceeding 7.5 t, is allowed only in the
following cases:
transport of dangerous goods by virtue of a partial or total
exemption specified in the following subsections of Annex A of the
ADR agreement:
• 1.l.3.3
transport of dangerous goods according to the special provisions of
chapter 3.3 of Annex A of the ADR agreement
transport of dangerous goods packed in limited quantities according
to the discipline identified in chapter 3.4 of Annex A of the ADR
transport of dangerous goods packed in quantities subject to
exemption according to rules set out in chapter 3.5 of Annex A of
the ADR agreement.
The ban referred to in paragraph 1 does not apply to the transport
of dangerous goods in the cases referred to in paragraph 3, letters
a) to d) using vehicles with a maximum authorized mass greater than
7.5 t, which, however, are subject to the ban referred to in Article
The transportation of liquid and gaseous fuels is governed by
Article 7, paragraph 3, letter e).
Article 13
(Transitional provisions for vehicles going to / coming from the port
of Genoa)
For vehicles coming from the port of Genoa, carrying suitable
documentation certifying the origin of the trip and the destination
of the cargo, the starting time of the ban referred to in Article 2
is postponed by four hours.
For vehicles directed to the port of Genoa carrying suitable
documentation certifying the destination of the journey, the end of
the ban referred to in Article 2 is brought forward by four
The list of prefectures (telephone/fax number) – country code for
Italy is 0039
- Alessandria 0131/3101 --- 0131/310666
- Bergamo 035/23711 --- 035/32387
- Bozen 0471/294611 --- 0471/294666
- Brescia 030/3755479 --- 030/3755479
- Como 031/3171 --- 031/317666
- Cuneo 0171/443411 --- 0171/443460
- Imperia 0183/6899 --- 0183/290002
- Milan 02/77581 --- 02/781990
- Novara 0321/665511 --- 0321/665466
- Turin 011/55891 --- 011/5589904
- Venice 041/2703411 --- 041/2703666
- Vercelli 0161/225411 --- 0161/225466
- Sondrio 0342/532111 --- 0342/532666
- Varese 0332/801111 --- 0332/801666
Permits issued by the prefectures can be extended to cover empty
journeys related to the basic case for which the permit was issued. In
the case of vehicles coming from abroad, applications can be submitted
by authorized employees of the ordering party or the recipient of the
There are no general rules concerning the winter tires equipment.
Exceptions are signposted. From 15th October to 15th April it is
obligatory to use winter tires (M+S) in the region of Aosta-Tal.
Obligation of being equipped in snow chains. Use in signposted areas.
Studded tires permitted for vehicles from 3.5t MPW from 15th November
to 15th March. Speed limits to 50/90/120 kph; reflective lights
Source: Continental Information
Good to know
Using dipped headlights is obligatory for 24 hours outside
built-up area. The above-mentioned lights are also obligatory in
tunnels. Back fog lights can only be used at visibility limited to
There is no possibility of paying by cards DKV, UTA,SHELL for
Maximum blood-alcohol content: 0.05‰
For driving under the influence of alcohol the following fines
from 0.5 to 0.8 g/l – a fine of 542 – 2168 Euro, 10 penalty points,
withdrawal of the driving license for 3 – 6 months, arrest for 1
from 0.8 to 1.5 g/l – a fine of 870 – 3481 Euro, 10 penalty points,
withdrawal of the driving license for 6 – 12 months, arrest for 3
above 1.5 g/l – a fine of 1632 – 6527 Euro, 10 penalty points,
withdrawal of the driving license for 1 – 2 years, arrest for 6
Driving under the influence of intoxicants – fine of 1227 to 4912
Euro, withdrawal of the driving license for 2 months to 2 years and/or
arrest for 3 months.
Exemplary fines for other offences, in Euro:
- wrong parking: from 38 to 155
parking which causes danger for other users of the road: from 78 to
311 (2 penalty points)
dangerous driving at turnings or at limited visibility: from 78 to
311 (8 penalty points)
failure to fasten one’s seatbelts: from 78 to 311 (5 penalty points)
ignoring red light, talking on the phone during driving: from 155 to
624 (6 penalty points)
speeding: up to 10kph (38 – 155 Euro), from 10 to 40kph (155 – 624
Euro and 5 penalty points), from 40 to 60kph (389 – 1559 Euro and 10
penalty points and withdrawal of the driving license for 3 – 6
Apart from the above-mentioned fines, the police also record penalty
points from 1 to 10. A foreign driver, regardless of whether there
exists a system of penalty points in his country or not, is also
subject to this record. At having collected 20 penalty points, the
police withdraw the driving license for 6 months to 2 years. The
police can demand immediate paying a quarter of the maximum fine for
the given offence. If the driver cannot pay a quarter immediately, he
has to either transfer a half of the maximum fine for the given
offence from his account, or pay in the form of guarantee. In the case
of refusing to pay the fine, the police can confiscate the vehicle
until the time of paying the fine.
assistance breakdown service is provided by the Italian
Automobileclub ACI available 24h; valid also for the Vatican and San
Marino, telephone: 803 116
police – 113
emergency – 118
fire brigade – 115
or the unified number – 112