from 22:00 on Saturdays and the day before public holidays to 22:00 on Sundays and public holidays
heavy goods vehicles of over 7.5t maximum permissible weight (MPW) with the exception of special vehicles and agricultural vehicles
throughout the road and motorway network
a.During the summer period:
Vehicles concerned: heavy goods vehicles and combination vehicles of over 7.5t MPW, with the exception of special vehicles and agricultural vehicles.
Prohibition is in effect:
on Saturdays 25 July and 1, 8, 22, 29 August 2020 from 07:00 to 19:00,
Note: driving is allowed on these Saturdays from 19:00 to 24:00.
In effect on the following routes (in both directions, if not otherwise specified):
Bourg-en-Bresse - Chamonix
Lyon - Chambéry - Tarentaise - Maurienne
Lyon - Grenoble - Briançon
Bellegarde and St Julien-en-Genevois - Annecy – Albertville
Annemasse – Sallanches - Albertville
Chambéry - Annecy – Scientrier
Grenoble - Chambéry
Provisions applicable to certain road sections in the Ile-de-France region
Concerns heavy goods vehicles and combination vehicles of over 7.5t MPW with the exception of special vehicles and agricultural vehicles. In the Ile-de-France region there exist, apart from general and additional restrictions, also detailed ones. There are no exemptions from these restrictions.
In effect on the following sections of the Ile-de-France motorway network:
Prohibition outwards from Paris
Prohibition inwards to Paris
Not applicable for five Saturdays in the summer period.
Permanent derogations, which are not subject to special authorisation, are granted for the following transport operations:
For all vehicles benefiting from a permanent derogation, empty return is authorized within a zone restricted to the region of the last delivery point and the neighbouring departments or the region of the last delivery point and adjacent regions within a distance of 150 kilometres.
The vehicles mentioned under points 3, 6 and 7 may travel laden at the end of the event or the sale, within a zone restricted to the region of the place where the event or sale took place and its neighbouring departments or the region of the place where the event or sale took place and adjacent regions within a distance of 150 kilometres.
Detailed information about the obligatory conditions is mentioned in the derogation section on
Short-term derogations
Derogations to the driving restrictions laid down in articles 1 and 2 above (permanent and additional derogations), so-called short-term prefectural derogations, may be granted for:
The corresponding authorizations are issued by the Prefect of the department of departure for a period not exceeding the duration of the prohibition for which the derogations are requested. For transport operations originating outside France, the authorization is issued by the Prefect of the department of entry into France.
Long-term derogations
Derogations to the driving restrictions laid down in articles 1 and 2 above (permanent and additional derogations), so-called long-term prefectural derogations, may be granted for
Long-term authorizations are issued for a maximum of one year.
Lifting of restrictions in border zones
In order to mitigate the consequences of the lack of harmonisation of traffic bans with those of neighbouring states, the Prefects of border departments have the possibility of granting derogations to the driving restrictions foreseen in articles 1 and 2 above (concerns permanent and additional derogations).
Lifting of restrictions under exceptional circumstances In the case of exceptional circumstances, if the vehicles mentioned in article 1 have been
immobilised during the 12 hours preceding the beginning of a period of restriction foreseen in articles 1, 2 or 3 above (concerns permanent and additional derogations and some road sections in the Ile-de-France region), the departmental Prefects may, in coordination with the Prefects of the neighbouring departments, authorize them to travel during all or part of the period of restriction within a specific zone.
Conditions of use of derogations
For any vehicle granted a permanent derogation or a short or long-term individual prefectural derogation, the person in charge of the vehicle must be able to prove to the officers responsible for road traffic checks that the transport operation complies with the provisions of the derogation concerned.
The authorization must be kept on board of the vehicle. For it to be valid, it must be completed by the holder prior to the vehicle’s departure, indicating the date of the transport operation and the vehicle’s registration number.
An authorization may be withdrawn by the issuing authority if the holder does not observe its terms of use or has provided erroneous information in order to obtain it.
Regulation on the delivery and loading of goods in Paris
This regulation on the delivery and loading of goods applies to professional transport operators carrying out a delivery and/or loading goods in Paris; companies transporting, delivering or loading goods in the framework of their activity; persons occasionally transferring goods.
Vehicles concerned: vehicles with a surface of less than 29m2 and propelled by an electric, gas or hybrid engine or which meet the Euro 3 standard (until 31st December 2008), Euro 4 standard (from 1st January 2009) or Euro 5 standard (from 1st January 2010)
Deliveries authorized 24h a day
For vehicles with a surface of less than 29m deliveries authorized from 22:00 to 17:00
For vehicles with a surface of 43m or less deliveries authorized from 22:00 to 07:00
Permanent derogation for vehicles used for the following functions:
Notes: Stopping in Parisian delivery zones is limited to 30 minutes.
For safety reasons there is heavy goods vehicles traffic ban in parts of national road network in France. Below there are specified main routes under the restriction issued by the Prefect for heavy goods vehicles of over 7.5t MPW (or of another specified weight).
Restrictions concerning collective transport of people are also given (the list is not exhaustive).
Île-de-France Region
motorway tunnel A14 under La Défense
East Region
state road N59 between Lunéville (54) and Sélestat (67) traffic ban of all vehicles in transit of over 3.5t total weight
state road N66
traffic ban of vehicles of over 3.5t total weight between Remiremont (88) and Cernay (68)
traffic ban of vehicles or combined transport of 19t MPW, from 06:00 to 22:00 whose loading or unloading point is situated in Alsace or Lorraine
North Region
A22 motorway (12 km), state road N356 (5 km), state road N227 (3-4 km) traffic ban of vehicles in transit of over 3.5t total weight heading for the exit of A1 motorway in the South – North direction.
Vehicles in transit are vehicles coming from A1 motorway southbound from interchange No. 20 (Faches-Thumesnil), heading for Belgium, which between the interchange of A14 and A17 motorways in Belgium (interchange in Aalbeke) do not load or unload, stop at their company’s premises or undergo customs control.
These vehicles are directed from A1 motorway (Paris) onto the route in the direction of Belgium by the common section of A22 (PR 0 – 2) motorway, and further A27 motorway to Belgium.
South Region
South-east region
Child public transport
Public transport of children in vehicles intended for public transport (vehicles of over 9 seats) is transport of people mainly under 18, regardless of its cause.
In 2020 public transport of children is forbidden on Saturdays 1 and 8 August from 00:00 to 24:00 outside the area of department from which the transport originates and adjacent departments.
compulsory list of passengers (Art. 60 point 3 of the regulation of 2nd July 1982 concerning public transport of people)
From 2009 for safety reasons in all coaches intended for public transport of people there has to be a list of names of all passengers. The list is prepared and given to the carrier by the transport organizer. It must be presented on every request of officers carrying out road controls. The document may be prepared in any form, however it should contain specified information, such as: name and surname of every passenger, and in case of public transport of children, next to the names there has to be a contact phone number. Such document is not obligatory in the department of the transport origin and in adjacent departments.
Coaches introduced to road traffic since 2010 should be equipped in breathalyzers preventing from starting the vehicle.
Special transport
Transport or flow of the special goods, machines or vehicles due to their size or weight exceeding regular limits, has to be subject to authorization in advance.
There are two types of authorizations: an individual personal authorization and a local authorization. To get information concerning services responsible for considering the authorization applications, one should apply to a relevant prefecture or in case of different countries – to the prefecture of the department in which entering French territory takes place.
Traffic ban for convoys possessing authorizations:
These regulations do not apply for military convoys or transports or to training vehicles and interventionist civil safety services, which are subject to special regulations.
More information concerning special transport and the way of obtaining an authorization can be found on
Transport of logs
Logs are all parts of trunks and branches obtained through cutting. Traffic is permitted with the maximum limit of 57t (6 axles) or 48t (5 axles) in case of vehicles possessing the certifications about the lack of economically reasonable alternative for road transport in conditions and on routes specified by the department’s Prefect’s regulation in advance.
Regardless of this, traffic remains banned:
There are no general regulations. Exceptions signposted.
Obligation of using snow chains as signposted.
Studded tires permitted from the beginning of November to the end of March, if there is a sticker on the vehicle.
Source: Continental Information
It is important to stress that drivers should travel through the given toll segment at a certain time, otherwise they will be charged for the longest journey.
48 hrs | 24 hrs | 48 hrs | 48 hrs | 48 hrs | 24 hrs | 24 hrs | 24 hrs | 24 hrs |
At the speed of 50kph of dry road, heavy goods vehicles need 44m to stop, and on a thin snow layer the distance equals at least 100m.
Traffic on a snowy road:
If a road has three or more lanes in one direction, it is forbidden for drivers of loaded heavy goods vehicles of over 3.5t MPW and of over 7m length to move on different lanes than the two extreme lanes, except for situations when they prepare to change the direction, with possibly lowest impediment for other drivers (Art. R 412-25 and R 414-17 of Highway Code).
Dipped headlights. Using dipped headlights in built-up area as well as outside built-up area are advised 24h for all engine vehicles.
Maximum blood – alcohol content – 0,05‰ except for drivers of public transport vehicles and coaches for which maximum blood – alcohol content is 0,02‰.
Detecting alcohol in blood in the limits:
0,05‰ – 0,08‰ – is fined from 135 Euro and 6 penalty points and possible withdrawal of the driving license for up to 3 years
Over 0,08‰ – may be penalized in the following ways: immediate withdrawal of the driving license for at least 72 hours; fine of up to 4.500 Euro; withdrawal of the driving license for 3 to 5 years; being imprisoned for up to 2 years; confiscation of the vehicle; to these 6 penalty points are added. Each sanction is increased in consequence of an accident involving seriously injured.
Drivers of public transport and coaches with over 0,02‰ of blood – alcohol content are fined with 135 Euro, 6 penalty points and withdrawal of the driving license for up to 3 years.
Driving under the influence of intoxicants or alcohol is fined with 6000 Euro and withdrawal of the driving license for 3 years and/or being imprisoned for up to 3 years.
From 1st July 2012 every car driving in France has to be equipped with breathalyzers. Minimal fine is 11 Euro.
Exemplary fines for other road offences, in Euro:
Note: at the same offence repeated twice the fines are increased by 100%.
Offence Code also includes a regulation according to which a fine for causing corporal injuries unintentionally may amount to 1.500 Euro and a possible withdrawal of the driving license for 3 years.
In the case of being caught at other drivers’ safety violation again, the fine is increased to 15.000 Euro, 1 year of prison and withdrawal of the driving license for 5 years.
If a driver claims he did not commit an offence, he is asked to pay a deposit fee (amende forfaitaire) the amount of which depends on the kind of the offence; failure to pay the above – mentioned fee may cause confiscation of the vehicle until the time of paying the fee.
A police officer is entitled to impose and collect a fine of up to 375 Euro.
Note: Drivers are obliged by the law to keep a safe distance between the vehicles in traffic. The distance is equivalent to the time of 2 seconds of moving vehicles (i.e. at the speed of 50kph – 28m; at 90kph – 50m; at 110kph – 62m; at 130kph – 73m). A failure to comply with these regulations is fined with 90 Euro.
Assistance breakdown service - in case of a breakdown a driver uses emergency telephones (orange colour) situated along the motorways every 2 km calling the police or assistance breakdown service of the given motorway. He may call a garage or a service of his own choice only after the exit of the motorway.
Police - 17
Fire brigade - 18
Emergency (SAMU) – 15
Or the unified number - 112