
Basic information

The country has not imposed any restrictions in the international heavy traffic.

Detailed information

Traffic ban: There is no general ban on Sundays and public holidays.

Carriage of dangerous goods:

Upon transportation with a requirement to label hazardous loads, there is an all-day ban on the Oeresund bridge between 6:00 and 23:00. The transportation of dangerous goods of class 1.1 and 1.5 (explosives) is limited to the total net weight of 5 000 kg per vehicle.

Local bans:

Heavy goods vehicles of over 18t MPW, generally cannot drive in the centre of Copenhagen, which is limited to the following roads: Nørre- and Vester Voldgade, Stormgade, Molmens Kanal and Gothergade. A drive through Chr. IX´s Gade - Kr. Bernikowsgade – Bremerholm is allowed. In some cases the police in Copenhagen may make exceptions: Københavns Politi - Trafikafdelingen, Anker Heegaardsgade 1.1, 1572 København V, Tel.: 0045/33-141448.

Traffic ban (summer):

In case of special carriage, i.e. carriage done with vehicles whose dimension and/or the maximum permissible weight has exceed the permissible measure, in summer months – from 15th June to 31st August between 12:00 and 18:00 – traffic bans may be introduces when the temperature is above 25°C.


Good to know

Dipped headlights: The usage of the lights is obligatory for 24 hours, all year round and applies to all motor vehicles.

Note: On the motorway, in case of sudden braking/ slowing down or seeing a risk of accident, the driver is obliged to turn the warning lights on in order to warn the drivers following him.

An overtaking manoeuvre must be signalled by flashing lights and an indicator.

The maximum blood-alcohol content is 0,05‰.


Assistance breakdown service is provided 24h by a specialized organization Danske Autohjaelp (Danish breakdown assistance) – 70 27 91 12.

The police, the emergency ambulance service, the fire brigade – 112 (unified number)